Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dealing with difference. Babies 21 and 22

 Aspergers; Meaning your child is practically socially deprived. No two cases are exactly alike. In Jacobs case he can not or doesn;t like......
 pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking.

  • Dislike any changes in routines.

  • Appear to lack empathy.

  • Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others’ speech. He will not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. And his speech is flat and hard to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.
    Avoid eye contact or stare at others.
    Have unusual facial expressions or postures.
    Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he is very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or studying astronomy. They may show an unusual interest in certain topics such as snakes, names of stars, or dinosaurs. Jakes would be dinosaurs and stars.
    Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures. Jacob absolutely hates pancakes for this reason.
    He has had anger issues. When something goes out of whack he will instantly yell at the person next or closest to him.

     "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!" Jacob screamed at Matt. "Jacob, I didn't do anything. What do you think I did?" Matthew asked in a soft tone. Jacob seemed to snap back into reality. "Well you do breathe, but never mind....... I...... I....... Forgot I guess...." Jacob said in his smooth monotone voice which had been getting lower day by day.
     He ran to the toy chest and got out the spaceman suit. He claimed he now only liked spacemen and only sometimes dinosaurs. He hopped around the room like there was no gravity.
     I decided that I should teach Tatiana how to talk since birthdays would be in the next day or so. She didn't quite catch on. When she did she had a major lisp. "Alright Tatiana can you say 'applesauce'?" I asked. "Ap-Ap-apllesssaucccse" She stuttered back. "Good job honey!" I replied clapping. Sure it wasn't exactly great but she did say the word to the best of her abillity.
     "Twee." Tatiana said gazing out the window. "Yay!" I told her. Jacob was baking some cookies to sell at the bake stand Matt set up outside. "Alright little buddy are you ready to make some money?" Matthew asked Jacob. "I am not little. And yes but I don't need any help." Jacob replied back. I looked back at Matthew. I could see he was a bit hurt but he seemed okay. "Alright then if you need any help just holler okay?" Matthew told Jacob. "Yes sir!" Jacob said smiling and in a somewhat excited tone the first different tone I have ever heard out of his mouth. I smiled.
     Jacob ran outside just as Tatiana had finished learning to talk. She whispered into my ear. "Broder iss ssillly." Then she laughed. I laughed a bit too. I knew it was bad she could even see somewhat of a difference in him but then again she was 2 and he was the only other kid she's ever known. I took her outside to watch her 'silly' brother sell some muffins and cookies.
     He was trying to sell them all right but.... He was also talking to the food..... "Oh your a good smelling muffiny aren't you? Oh yes you are!" He told the little baked muffin. Then he took a small bite out of it and put it back on the table. I took Tatiana back inside. I was going to let Jacob deal with that by himself. I wasn't going to be the block in his way of comunicating. Once we heard his diagnosis I searched site after site of information on Aspergers and Autism. If I were to tell him not to talk to things he might interperate things to people and cut off comunication to everything for the rest of his life. So I was just going to let him do his thing.
     I set Tatiana in her highchair so I could answer the phone. "Hello, this is Caitlin may I ask who is calling?" I answered. "Oh yes Caitlin this is your agent speaking we have sold your number so many fans may be calling. We just thought we would inform you and you may have to meet them in person and answer questions." He replied...... Oh great.... "I really don't appreciate that and I wish that you tell them that it was a boogus number. Okay? Okay. We're good goodbye!" I yelled into the phone and shut it off. I didn't even want to be famous or have an agent!
     I picked up Tatiana. "Ugh mommy hates people you know that?" I said to her. She looked at me and her eyes got big and glossy. "Mommy no hate Tatiana?" She asked. "No! Mommy could never hate her Tatiana!!" I told her and snuggled her in my arms.
    I walked back outside with a chair. I sat with Jacob for over an hour and not a single person came. He had eaten three dishes of goods so I decided it was just time to age up and get this childhood stage over with. I know mean right?
     When I told Jacob he ran inside to his cake and waited. I came in and Matt told him to make a wish. "Wishes are fictional though...." Jacob told us. "Just for fun make up the most extreme wish and see if it happens..." Matthew told him for a challenge. Jacob looked at his cake and then got a puzzled look on his face then blew out all of his candles.
     I took Tatiana to her cake and she blew out her candles. I wanted her to stay my little girl forever but we all grow up at some point.
     YODA! Tatiana jumped as the sparkles engulfed her.
     Jacob started acting strange right away. He was looking inside his head as if he could. He was mumbling something but it was beyyond my understanding and Matts.
     Jacob did however get along with Tatiana well for not beig great with comunication. I couldn't of been happier. Tatiana wanted to do ballet so bad so I went with her to the school for signups. The teacher told her she needed to lose ten pounds to be on her ballet team. Tatiana burst into tears. Lets just say this, I am not allowed to go to any of her practices and I have to stay out of backstage during recitals. I had a few words with the hipocritical teacher who had to have been like one million pounds herself. Tatiana agreed however to the weight loss and has been working out on the t.v twice a day.
     I went up to Matthew. "There are going to be more kids soon." I said. "And?" He asked pulling me into a hug. "Just saying.... I have to find a dad first..." I replied. Matthew pulled me into a kiss. Quite lately he had been much more flirty. I don't know if it was because of the lack of children or He just wanted more time with me.
    Then I got another call. I pulled away and whipped out my phone. "WHAT DO YOU WANT! My Goodness!!!" I yelled into the phone expecting it to be my agent.... "Uh... Is this Caitlin Murrays number? I was wondernig if she needed a new father...." The voice said timidly. "Wait wait wait.... Your a trusted father?" I asked.
     He replied with a yeah. We chatted a bit and I invited him over. Baby 21! You'll be coming soon!
     A strange red man with amazingly pink hair was the father. His name was Tojo Digeridoo. I invited him in, we chatted, we discussed the ways of the challenge, he told me I was cute, then I led him to the bedroom.

     Thus concluding the making of baby 21. Yay!
     Then when he asked me to be his girlfriend I had to break it to him that I could not. We were only friends. (Nobody needed to know Matt and I were in fact gf/bf.) "You know what! You are a nasty slut!" He yelled. "You do realize YOU contacted ME about being in this CHALLENGE!!" I replied back. "Well well, I thought it would be different! Your a slut!" He yelled again.. "I think you need to leave." I replied back slowly. He pushed me on the bed and kissed me one last time and ran out the door. I wiped my lips off and brushed my teeth.
     I ran downstairs after I knew he was gone. I quickly pulled Matthew in my embrace and kissed him. "I love you and no other person in the world will ever get in the way of that!" I told him. He hugged me a bit tighter. "You don't have to explain that to me." He replied kissing me back.
     We were being really flirty and started holding hands. Tatiana turned the colume up on the t.v and told us to get out or get a room. We decided to go outside. Look at that being kicked out of your own house by your 8 year old daughter. Lovely!
     We decided to star gaze and he told me a joke "A mushroom walks into the bar and says to the bartender "Hey , could I get a beer please"
    The bartender looks at him shacking his head and says "No, we don't serve food here"
    The mushroom says "Why not I'm a Fungi!" I started to laugh. It was a great cheesy joke I'll admit. We watched the stars for another hour until I got cold. Then we ventured back inside.
    "Uhhm, Matt?" Jacob said under his breath. He made his gaze met Matt's. "What is it Jake?" Matthew asked.Jacob didn't like being called anythig other than Jacob. Matthew was the only one that he allowed to call him Jake. "Well, I uh kind of want to, learn how to uh, drive. And since it's late uhm.. Well people won't be out which means no bright lights you know? So what do you say?" Jacob asked with a small smile on his face. "Sure why not. Get the car started up and I will be out in two minutes. Give or take alright?" Matt told Jacob. "Alright." Jacob said and ran outside taking my keys with him.
    I stepped outside and watched as Jacob drove down our street. He wasn't doing to hot but he will eventually get it.
    I decided I would work out with Tatiana. I didn't have much baby fat left over or anything but I mean you really can't go wrong with a little bit of excercise. "Like this?" I asked Tatiana. "Mom it's a jumping jack it's pretty simple." She said quite snobbishly. I did some jumping jacks. We worked out until I declared it was bedime.
     After sending Tatiana to bed I went and threw up. Welp, I guess I am officially prego. Well maybe....
     In the morning with the kids out of the house Matthew and I brushed up on some of our skills. The house felt so big and empty with nobody in it!
    Then littl baby 21 showed his/her first appearance! I was really excited. I missed being pregnant.
     I finished up my painting of Matthew. Quite stalkerish but I did it. Matthew said he loved it. Then we heard a little bit of a comotion downstairs.
     There was a large farting noise then Jacob screamed out something. I could hear him stomp over to something.
     Then he started to yell at Tatiana. "You are evil! WHY would you ever do that!? I hate you!" Then there was a quite loud smacking sound and Tatiana began to cry.
     "Oh what now? Why are you crying? I didn't even hit you that hard.." Jacob moaned as I ran down the steps.
     He must've heard me because I saw his whole body tense up. "Okay. You can really stop now..." He said to Tatiana. "Jacob Murray! What did you do?" I asked running down the last few steps. "Uhm, well she, uhm started it!" Jacob stuttered over his words. "You know not to lie to me..." I said slowly. "FINE! I smacked her nothing big! She isn't even hurt probably...." Jacob told me. I went to Tatiana and pulled her arms away from her face gently. "It's okay sweethart." I told her quietly.
     I tilted her head and saw the large scratch on it. It must've split open when he smacked her. It was big enough for stiches so I decided I would take her to the hospital even though it was already ten-thirty at night.
     "Oh Jacob....... I mean really?" I kind of lashed out. "Well, well, she uh! SHE pranked me!" He yelled back. "Think about this in your room. Did she hurt you by pranking you with a whoopie cushion? Jacob I'm not mad that you were angry with her, I am just angry that you would hit your own sister. Head on up to bed." I said smoothly. Jacob let his head hang low as he went upstairs.
     I turned my attention back to Tatiana. Her chin wasn't bleeding anymore. I looked at it a little bit more and decided stitches weren't needed. She was lucky but I did need to take care of it. I led her to the bathroom and cleaned out the cut. That made her cry more but it needed to be done. Then I put a band-aid on it and took her back to the living room. I hugged her tightly and sent her to bed.
     Matthew had stayed sitting down the whole time. "So what happened?" He asked slowly gettting up. "Oh Jacob had a meltdown and hit Tatiana. She'll be okay." I said. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Matt asked. "No no he didn't I scared him a bit." I told him. Matthew looked down at the floor. "What happened to him. When he was little he was the cutest thing alive. Then all of a sudden he just bang changed!" Matt said quietly. "I don't know..." I replied as honestly as possible. "What if it was my fault. I changed him because I was to fatherly for not being his dad?" Matt said. "No its not your fault!" I yelled at him. He didn't need to think this way. "Let's just, stop talking about this.." I whispered.
     Matthew got completely up and rubbed my belly. "I love you." He whispered. I whispered the same response to him.
    In the morning I thought it'd be a fun idea to light off the rest of our fireworks and swim. Just me and Matt. Well the fireworks all caught on fire!
     Thank goodness Matthew was there with me to put them all out. We went inside and relaxed until the kids came home.
     The park that was right behind the house had been revamped since there were a lot more kids in Sunset Valley. I was excited to go there. I had heard good reviews so far.
     When we got there Matthew took me to the seesaw and we sawed for a bit.
     Tatiana was building a sand castle.
     And Jacob was playing hop-scotch with Twinkle.
     I started to cook salmon for dinner.
     Tatiana caught a butterfly.
     When dinner was done I joined her and caught a rare zebra butterfly. Her moth was just as good though.
     Then we all played hopscotch until it got late.
     At home my back started to hurt really badly. It felt like the baby was trying to knock out my spine.
     "You okay Kermit?" Matthew asked coming closer. I moaned. "Never better." Then he hugged me. "Your such a liar." He said laughing then he kissed me.
     And well that triggered my labor!! He rushed me to the hospital so I could give birth.
    I gave birth to twin girls. Scarlet and Ruby. Welcome to the world little girls!

    I work very hard on all of my posts so comments are appreciated! I also LOVE gifts of any sorts even if their only like 25 simpoints because I don't purchase them much. You can gift me Here. Please recommend to a friend! Thanks for reading! :D

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