Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Adoption, plus some. Baby 20

 I made breakfast for the family. We all sat down and had a nice meal. Then the older kids got onto the bus and were headed to school. I put Jacob down for a nap so Matt and I could have a little alone time.
 We did what any other civil person would do. We went and played on the slip and slide. Matthew ran up and slid on his belly.
 I was terrified to try. Matthew finally pushed me down the slick track. It was a lot more fun than what I would've imagined. I loved not being pregnant because you could do so much!
 I picked up little Jacob and tossed him in the air. He was such a cute baby, but I  could say that about all of my little babies. I put him downstairs and got him ready for Aaron, because Bridget had called wanting us to go hang out.
 She picked the club. I was okay with it. I would just have a drink and that'd be all. I didn't need to come home drunk because we wouldn't be staying long and I knew better.
 I had the special drink and Matthew went for a Mystical Mystery. The drink really didn't effect me but I didn't want to take any chances. This was it for the night!
 Matthew brought me to the dance floor and we ended up dancing until we were kicked out. Which was at 2 am! We ran to the elevator like everyone else.
 I stood in front of a man who smelled of beets and had recently gotten out of a mental institution. The lady next to him was his caretaker! I didn't ask why exactly she had brought him here so I didn't say a word. When we got home all of the children were nustled tightly in their beds. Tomorrow would be birthday day!
 So in the morning Aaron blew out his candles.
 Then it was little Willows turn.
 Then Hayden blew out all of her candles.
 Hayden helped Jacob blow out his candles also.
 Family picture! Matthew and I were loving the fact that his next tour wouldn't be for a while. We were getting pretty intense into our relationship. We both knew we couldn't get married; not yet anyway so it kind of put a damper on some things.
Jacob looks a LOT like his dad. He has his eye shape and lip shape and I think everything else! He is a cutie pie!
 Haydens POV. I ran over to my friend Darlenes house. I was ready to express my true feelings. I walked up to her. "Hi Darlene." I said shyly. "Oh hi Hayden!" She said energetically. I held her hands tightly surprisingly she never pulled away. "Uhm," I stuttered. "This is kind of hard to say." I said. My hands started shaking violently. Darlene looked me in the eye and said. "Don't worry, I love you like that too." I couldn't believe it. She knew exactly how I felt.
 "Great! Oh yeah I got you something!" I said whipping out some purple flowers. She took them and smelled them deeply.
 Darlene and I then kissed. It felt magical. I loved every single second of it. I heard my phone go off it was a text from Willow telling me to come home. I kissed Darlene goodbye just to get one more kiss in and then I raced out the door.
 When I got inside I had realized what I had done. I knew it wasn't a bad thing. I knew my mother wouldn't mind, but something bothered me that I had just kissed my bestfriend. I ran upstairs to change into my pajamas and ran back down. I wasn't going to speak a word of what I had just done...

Caitlins POV! Tonight was movie night so all of was watched a scary scifi film it was quite horrible. One it wasn't scary at all. Two Hayden was barely paying attention. Three Willow would not shut up! So we all retired and went to bed.
I swear Matthew is like the best dad in the entire world! He told me to relax the whole day and do whatever. He would take care of Jacob for the entire day. I was so excited I could work on some skills.
I decided to work on some potions to see what I could create. At first is was going very well.
But, I pretty much failed. The concoction I was brewing sparked a fire and blew up my face. I ran inside and checked for my eyebrows. They were there just a little bit singed.
Matthew was teaching Jacob how to talk. His first word was apparently dinosaur. He was now saying full sentences. Matthew thought he was smarter than normal but I just told him that that's what Murrays are good for.
Matthew even got all of the dirty work done. He taught Jacob how to use the potty. I can surely say I was astounded when I was told he only had to help him once then he had it mastered.
I walked inside after another failure I guess potions and I don't mix. Matthew was playing with Jacob. "Oh no! It's the claw!" He said in a somewhat terrified voice. Jacob responded "Oh no! No!" Only his voice was a little more terrified and real.
 "Oh no! Here it comes!" Matthew said. The claw came down and tickled Jacob. He exploded with laughter and Matthew followed his lead.
 The girls' prom was tonight and Willow came down in a somewhat revealing dress. It was a little open near the clevage. "I don't think so." Matthew said. "What?" Willow replied. "Isn't that dress too open?" Matt asked. "Oh come on dad- I mean Matt..." Willow said blushing. "You're fine just don't bring any guys named snake home alright?" He joked. "Oh no promises." Willow piped back.
 Matthew took Jacob up to his room and read him a story before bed.
 I came up to the nursery to see Matthew putting Jacob to bed. He turned around and whispered " He is so cute." I whispered back "Not as cute as you." We both giggled. Then we retired upstairs.
 I heard the girls come in. Hayden had taken Darlene to the dance. They were a couple now, I found out because of rumors, and they both were crowned prom queen. They were also voted cutest couple. I was so happy that people could accept that two of the same sex could love each other. I was really proud of Hayden for expressing her true feelings.
I finally came to my senses. The sharing wall downstairs was much too small. So I put up some shelves upstairs and put all of the stuff there. Only 19 children and they were both full.

 In the morning I made pancakes for the family. I didn't have any fruit so I just threw in some plasma fruit. I thought it could do no harm.
 Matthew was playing super dad again and got Jacob out of bed and into his highchair.
 We all sat down to a nice meal. "Yuck! These are terrible!" Hayden said spitting out her first bite. "What did you put in them?" She asked. "A secret ingredient." I replied. Willow was scarfing them down. "I love em!" She said happily. I took a bite. They did taste a little off but not too bad. Hayden finished hers relentlessly although I told her she didn't have to eat them.
 Little did I know plasma fruit made regular people sick. I ended up throwing up.
 And so did Matthew. I got a call from school saying Hayden was on her way home she had thrown up on the bus to a field trip.
Matthew and I both fell asleep on the couch. My stomach was still mad at me and I was sure his was too.
 When Willow got home I decided it would be birthday day. Willow aged up first then Hayden,
 Hayden called over Darlene and she arrived moments later as a young adult. "Hi honey" Darlene said as she embraced Hayden.
 Hayden then bent down on one knee and proposed to Darlene. Darlene shrieked with delight.
 She obviously said yes.
 Hayden jumped happily into Darlenes arms and they sealed the deal with a kiss. Hayden came up to me and asked if I would help plan the wedding. I agreed happily. That night Darlene and Hayden got makeovers.
 You never see Darlenes face but she is absolutely magnificient with a different hairstyle and color and a dab of makeup.
 The very next day we went to the park and they said their vows.
 They both said "I do." And they each kissed each other at the same moment. Little did I know that today they would all have to graduate so we rushed to city hall so they could get their certificates.
Now Willow, Hayden, and Darlene were all graduated. They were my first children to stay home long enough to graduate so I was super proud.
 Once we were home Hayden called the adoption agency. They had adopted a little girl named Lily. She was absolutely adorable! It made me want to adopt a little one.
 So now it was just the three of us. Matthew, Jacob, and I. I loved how quiet the house seemed, but then again I hated it because I loved the sound of my children.
 Most of the kids that had these things never took them with them. So here are Pat, Patches and Sam. Other children can play with them but they can never be renamed. I have grown quite fond of them actually.
 Matthew and I had both decided that we should age Jacob up. So we threw him a mini party.
 He grew up to be a handsome little man. He got a lot of Jessips features. However there were a few things off about him. I talked to him and he refused to look me in the eye. He was facinated with dinosaurs. And instead of playing with toys he would lay on his side and stack them in a row and if they were kicked accidentily or moved by a centimeter he would go ballistic.
 Also, when he played with his toy car instead of making it drive he sat there for three hours spinning the wheels. I was getting a little worried but I would wait for a little while to see if it blew over.
 Matthew and I both decided we should adopt. I checked with other challenge moms to see if it was alright. They all agreed that there was nothing against it. I decided to adopt a baby so it would actually count in the challenge. Matthew picked out the name and she is now declared Tatiana Murray. Welcome home little one!
 Today was a Wednesday which meant Jacob would be a dinosaur all day. No questions asked. He had put himself on some sort of schedule. Monday- he would nap all the time after school. Tuesday- he would spin the tires on his car after school. Wednesday- He would dress up like a dinosaur all day and go to school as a dinosaur. Thursday-He would stare blankly at the wall or t.v which wouldn't be on. Friday-He would refuse to eat anything. Saturday- He ate everything including dry wall.... And Sunday He would throw fits demanding he would not go to school. I was beginning to wonder what was wrong. I scheduled a doctors appointment for Thursday and told him in advance what was happening. He didn't like it when the schedule was interupted.
 He pranced around all day saying "Rawr!" He even tried biting me!
 It was time for Tatiana to become a toddler. So I brought her to her cake.
 She aged into a cute little toddler. She looked a lot like Lily. I loved her features so her mother and father most likely weren't too shabby in the looks department.
 She was considered Matthew and I's real daughter since we were going out. I decided it didn't matter since he was not the true genetic father. I tickled her and she burst out with laughter. She is definetely my little girl.
 Our family picture. I loved the fact that we honestly hardly had any children with us. That would change with time but the house would feel empty for a while.
 Jacob had taken all of his toy cars outside and had put them in a nice little line. We were sitting outside enjoying the weather.
 Being a toddler like she's supposed to be Tatiana crawled over to a toy car and started playing with it. Jacob didn't like the fact that one of his cars were out of line so he ran over rawring at Tatiana. He grabbed the car and pushed Tatiana on her back to the ground. She instantly started crying and Jacob just put his car back in line.
 "Jacob Murray! Get out of your costume and go to your room for timeout!" I scolded. "But mom she ruined my line!" He said to the ground. "I don't care, she doesn't know better. You do!" I said a little softer.
 I picked up my aggrivated little girl and snuggled her. Matthew wanted a word so I took her inside to put her in bed.
"What was that about?" Matthew asked. Jacob looked Matthew in the eye, I think that was the only person he did that to. "Because she ruined my line. I work hard on my line." He said back to Matt. "I bet you do. But she's your little sister, you need to be nice you made her sad." Matt said. "I didn't think she was sad. I thought she didn't like being pushed to the ground." He replied. Matthew stopped talking. "What do you think made her cry? The toy or the ground?" Matt asked. "I bet it hurt when she hit the ground." Jacob said. Matthew then told him to go upstairs and get ready for bed.
 Matthew and I relazed in the bedroom. "Do you think theres something wrong with him?" Matt asked. I thought for a bit. "Maybe... I don't know its just, he wasn't like this as a toddler." I replied. "What if it's my fault?" I asked. "Kermit, it's not your fault. It might just be something in his head don't blame yourself." Matt told me. We both couldn't sleep so we went outside.
 We decided to look at the stars. "Look! See that really big star?" Matthew asked. I squinted and I finally saw it. "Yeah I do." I responded. "My dad named that one after my mom, after she passed." He said. "That's beautiful." I said gasping. "Whatever did happen to your father and brother?" I asked. "Oh dad went to Riverveiw something about a new job, and my brother he went off to Bridgeport with his brother. Last I heard they were getting married." Matthew said. "Well that's nice." I replied. "Sure, but it feels like they abandoned me." Matt replied back. I kissed him and he told me that I was good enough.
 In the morning I got Tatiana out of her crib. She yawned and then kissed my cheek.
 I tickled her. "Aren't you just cute!" I told her as she giggled in delight. I changed her outfit and we went to the park right behind our house.
 I set her on the ground and tried to catch a butterfly. I ended up catching it on my first try.
 My face was pretty priceless. :)
 Then I taught Tatiana how to walk. She stood on her wobbly little legs and in less than an hour she was toddling all around. We returned home to get ready for the doctors.
 When Jacob got home I told him my expectations and he promised he would follow. We were going to the pediatricians since that wouldn't be too overwhelming for him.
 "Look at all the dinosaurs on the walls!" Jacob gasped. Twinkle was actually our doctor. "Well hello mom!" She said excitedly. "Hi Twinkle!" I replied back just as happy. She asked us a lot of questions about Jacob. Then she took a blood sample and his temp.
 She then had a conversation with Jacob. "Hello Jacob." She said. "Do you know why your here today?" She asked in a nice voice. "My mom said that I needed to go to the doctors so we all got into the car and came here." He replied in a monotone voice looking at the wall. She asked a series of other questions and he was so blankly honest with them it was kind of scary. He said obvious answers and didn't respond to some. When she asked him if the cat got his tongue he had replied with 'No theres not a cat in or around my mouth.' His eyes stayed locked on the wall the whole time.
Twinkle left the room for about 20 minutes to review the test results. When she came in she sat down and looked at Jacob and then us. She looked me right in the eye."I'm afraid Jacob has Aspergers." She said.

I work very hard on all of my posts so comments are appreciated! I also LOVE gifts of any sorts even if their only like 25 simpoints because I don't purchase them much. You can gift me Here. Please recommend! Thanks for reading! :D

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